Built-in Schedules

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To demonstrate the functionality of different schedules, we will be working with the following helper:

declare const log: <A, Out>(
action: Effect.Effect<A>,
schedule: Schedule.Schedule<Out, void>
) => void
declare const log: <A, Out>(
action: Effect.Effect<A>,
schedule: Schedule.Schedule<Out, void>
) => void

Click to see the implementation
import { Effect, Schedule, TestClock, Fiber, TestContext } from "effect"
let start = 0
let i = 0
export const log = <A, Out>(
action: Effect.Effect<A>,
schedule: Schedule.Schedule<Out, void>
) => {
Effect.gen(function* () {
const fiber: Fiber.RuntimeFiber<[Out, number]> = yield* Effect.gen(
function* () {
yield* action
const now = yield* TestClock.currentTimeMillis
i === 0
? `delay: ${now - start}`
: i === 10
? "..."
: `#${i} delay: ${now - start}`
start = now
yield* TestClock.adjust(Infinity)
yield* Fiber.join(fiber)
}).pipe(Effect.provide(TestContext.TestContext), Effect.runPromise)
import { Effect, Schedule, TestClock, Fiber, TestContext } from "effect"
let start = 0
let i = 0
export const log = <A, Out>(
action: Effect.Effect<A>,
schedule: Schedule.Schedule<Out, void>
) => {
Effect.gen(function* () {
const fiber: Fiber.RuntimeFiber<[Out, number]> = yield* Effect.gen(
function* () {
yield* action
const now = yield* TestClock.currentTimeMillis
i === 0
? `delay: ${now - start}`
: i === 10
? "..."
: `#${i} delay: ${now - start}`
start = now
yield* TestClock.adjust(Infinity)
yield* Fiber.join(fiber)
}).pipe(Effect.provide(TestContext.TestContext), Effect.runPromise)

The log helper logs the time delay between each execution. We will use this helper to showcase the behavior of various built-in schedules.

The log helper accelerates time using TestClock, which means it simulates the passing of time that would normally occur in a real-world application.


A schedule that always recurs and produces number of recurrence at each run.

import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.forever
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 0 < forever
#2 delay: 0
#3 delay: 0
#4 delay: 0
#5 delay: 0
#6 delay: 0
#7 delay: 0
#8 delay: 0
#9 delay: 0
import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.forever
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 0 < forever
#2 delay: 0
#3 delay: 0
#4 delay: 0
#5 delay: 0
#6 delay: 0
#7 delay: 0
#8 delay: 0
#9 delay: 0


A schedule that recurs one time.

import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.once
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 0 < once
import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.once
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 0 < once


A schedule that only recurs the specified number of times.

import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.recurs(5)
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 0 < recurs
#2 delay: 0
#3 delay: 0
#4 delay: 0
#5 delay: 0
import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.recurs(5)
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 0 < recurs
#2 delay: 0
#3 delay: 0
#4 delay: 0
#5 delay: 0

Recurring at specific intervals

In the context of scheduling, two commonly used schedules are spaced and fixed. While they both involve recurring at specific intervals, they have a fundamental difference in how they determine the timing of repetitions.

The spaced schedule creates a recurring pattern where each repetition is spaced apart by a specified duration. This means that there is a delay between the completion of one repetition and the start of the next. The duration between repetitions remains constant, providing a consistent spacing pattern.

On the other hand, the fixed schedule recurs on a fixed interval, regardless of the duration of the actions or the completion time of previous repetitions. It operates independently of the execution time, ensuring a regular recurrence at the specified interval.


A schedule that recurs continuously, each repetition spaced the specified duration from the last run.

import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.spaced("200 millis")
const action = Effect.delay(Effect.void, "100 millis")
log(action, schedule)
delay: 100
#1 delay: 300 < spaced
#2 delay: 300
#3 delay: 300
#4 delay: 300
#5 delay: 300
#6 delay: 300
#7 delay: 300
#8 delay: 300
#9 delay: 300
import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.spaced("200 millis")
const action = Effect.delay(Effect.void, "100 millis")
log(action, schedule)
delay: 100
#1 delay: 300 < spaced
#2 delay: 300
#3 delay: 300
#4 delay: 300
#5 delay: 300
#6 delay: 300
#7 delay: 300
#8 delay: 300
#9 delay: 300

The first delay is approximately 100 milliseconds, as the initial execution is not affected by the schedule. Subsequent delays are approximately 200 milliseconds apart, demonstrating the effect of the spaced schedule.


A schedule that recurs on a fixed interval. Returns the number of repetitions of the schedule so far.

import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.fixed("200 millis")
const action = Effect.delay(Effect.void, "100 millis")
log(action, schedule)
delay: 100
#1 delay: 300 < fixed
#2 delay: 200
#3 delay: 200
#4 delay: 200
#5 delay: 200
#6 delay: 200
#7 delay: 200
#8 delay: 200
#9 delay: 200
import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.fixed("200 millis")
const action = Effect.delay(Effect.void, "100 millis")
log(action, schedule)
delay: 100
#1 delay: 300 < fixed
#2 delay: 200
#3 delay: 200
#4 delay: 200
#5 delay: 200
#6 delay: 200
#7 delay: 200
#8 delay: 200
#9 delay: 200

The first delay is approximately 100 milliseconds, as the initial execution is not affected by the schedule. Subsequent delays are consistently around 200 milliseconds apart, demonstrating the effect of the fixed schedule.


A schedule that recurs using exponential backoff

import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.exponential("10 millis")
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 10 < exponential
#2 delay: 20
#3 delay: 40
#4 delay: 80
#5 delay: 160
#6 delay: 320
#7 delay: 640
#8 delay: 1280
#9 delay: 2560
import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.exponential("10 millis")
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 10 < exponential
#2 delay: 20
#3 delay: 40
#4 delay: 80
#5 delay: 160
#6 delay: 320
#7 delay: 640
#8 delay: 1280
#9 delay: 2560


A schedule that always recurs, increasing delays by summing the preceding two delays (similar to the fibonacci sequence). Returns the current duration between recurrences.

import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.fibonacci("10 millis")
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 10 < fibonacci
#2 delay: 10
#3 delay: 20
#4 delay: 30
#5 delay: 50
#6 delay: 80
#7 delay: 130
#8 delay: 210
#9 delay: 340
import { Schedule, Effect } from "effect"
import { log } from "./Delay"
const schedule = Schedule.fibonacci("10 millis")
const action = Effect.void
log(action, schedule)
delay: 0
#1 delay: 10 < fibonacci
#2 delay: 10
#3 delay: 20
#4 delay: 30
#5 delay: 50
#6 delay: 80
#7 delay: 130
#8 delay: 210
#9 delay: 340